Source code for dibs.graph_utils

import functools 

import igraph as ig
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit, vmap

[docs]@functools.partial(jit, static_argnums=(1,)) def acyclic_constr_nograd(mat, n_vars): """ Differentiable acyclicity constraint from Yu et al. (2019) Args: mat (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix of shape ``[n_vars, n_vars]`` n_vars (int): number of variables, to allow for ``jax.jit``-compilation Returns: constraint value ``[1, ]`` """ alpha = 1.0 / n_vars # M = jnp.eye(n_vars) + alpha * mat * mat # [original version] M = jnp.eye(n_vars) + alpha * mat M_mult = jnp.linalg.matrix_power(M, n_vars) h = jnp.trace(M_mult) - n_vars return h
elwise_acyclic_constr_nograd = jit(vmap(acyclic_constr_nograd, (0, None), 0), static_argnums=(1,))
[docs]def graph_to_mat(g): """Returns adjacency matrix of ``ig.Graph`` object Args: g (igraph.Graph): graph Returns: ndarray: adjacency matrix """ return jnp.array(g.get_adjacency().data)
[docs]def mat_to_graph(mat): """Returns ``ig.Graph`` object for adjacency matrix Args: mat (ndarray): adjacency matrix Returns: igraph.Graph: graph """ return ig.Graph.Weighted_Adjacency(mat.tolist())
[docs]def mat_is_dag(mat): """Returns ``True`` iff adjacency matrix represents a DAG Args: mat (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix Returns: bool: ``True`` iff ``mat`` represents a DAG """ G = ig.Graph.Weighted_Adjacency(mat.tolist()) return G.is_dag()
[docs]def adjmat_to_str(mat, max_len=40): """ Converts binary adjacency matrix to human-readable string Args: mat (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix max_len (int): maximum length of string Returns: str: human readable description of edges in adjacency matrix """ edges_mat = jnp.where(mat == 1) undir_ignore = set() # undirected edges, already printed def get_edges(): for e in zip(*edges_mat): u, v = e # undirected? if mat[v, u] == 1: # check not printed yet if e not in undir_ignore: undir_ignore.add((v, u)) yield (u, v, True) else: yield (u, v, False) strg = ' '.join([(f'{e[0]}--{e[1]}' if e[2] else f'{e[0]}->{e[1]}') for e in get_edges()]) if len(strg) > max_len: return strg[:max_len] + ' ... ' elif strg == '': return '<empty graph>' else: return strg