Source code for dibs.inference.dibs

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import vmap, random, grad
from jax.scipy.special import logsumexp
from jax.nn import sigmoid, log_sigmoid
import jax.lax as lax
from jax.tree_util import tree_map

from dibs.graph_utils import acyclic_constr_nograd
from dibs.utils.func import expand_by, zero_diagonal

[docs]class DiBS: """ This class implements the backbone for DiBS, i.e. all gradient estimators and sampling components. Any inference method in the DiBS framework should inherit from this class. Args: x (ndarray): matrix of shape ``[n_observations, n_vars]`` of i.i.d. observations of the variables interv_mask (ndarray): binary matrix of shape ``[n_observations, n_vars]`` indicating whether a given variable was intervened upon in a given sample (intervention = 1, no intervention = 0) log_graph_prior (callable): function implementing prior :math:`\\log p(G)` of soft adjacency matrix of edge probabilities. For example: :func:`~dibs.graph.ErdosReniDAGDistribution.unnormalized_log_prob_soft` or usually bound in e.g. :func:`~dibs.graph.LinearGaussian.log_graph_prior` log_joint_prob (callable): function implementing joint likelihood :math:`\\log p(\Theta, D | G)` of parameters and observations given the discrete graph adjacency matrix For example: :func:`dibs.models.LinearGaussian.interventional_log_joint_prob`. When inferring the marginal posterior :math:`p(G | D)` via a closed-form marginal likelihood :math:`\\log p(D | G)`, the same function signature has to be satisfied (simply ignoring :math:`\\Theta`) alpha_linear (float): slope of of linear schedule for inverse temperature :math:`\\alpha` of sigmoid in latent graph model :math:`p(G | Z)` beta_linear (float): slope of of linear schedule for inverse temperature :math:`\\beta` of constraint penalty in latent prio :math:`p(Z)` tau (float): constant Gumbel-softmax temperature parameter n_grad_mc_samples (int): number of Monte Carlo samples in gradient estimator for likelihood term :math:`p(\Theta, D | G)` n_acyclicity_mc_samples (int): number of Monte Carlo samples in gradient estimator for acyclicity constraint grad_estimator_z (str): gradient estimator :math:`\\nabla_Z` of expectation over :math:`p(G | Z)`; choices: ``score`` or ``reparam`` score_function_baseline (float): scale of additive baseline in score function (REINFORCE) estimator; ``score_function_baseline == 0.0`` corresponds to not using a baseline latent_prior_std (float): standard deviation of Gaussian prior over :math:`Z`; defaults to ``1/sqrt(k)`` """ def __init__(self, *, x, interv_mask, log_graph_prior, log_joint_prob, alpha_linear=0.05, beta_linear=1.0, tau=1.0, n_grad_mc_samples=128, n_acyclicity_mc_samples=32, grad_estimator_z='reparam', score_function_baseline=0.0, latent_prior_std=None, verbose=False): self.x = x self.interv_mask = interv_mask self.n_vars = x.shape[-1] self.log_graph_prior = log_graph_prior self.log_joint_prob = log_joint_prob self.alpha = lambda t: (alpha_linear * t) self.beta = lambda t: (beta_linear * t) self.tau = tau self.n_grad_mc_samples = n_grad_mc_samples self.n_acyclicity_mc_samples = n_acyclicity_mc_samples self.grad_estimator_z = grad_estimator_z self.score_function_baseline = score_function_baseline self.latent_prior_std = latent_prior_std self.verbose = verbose """ Backbone functionality """
[docs] def particle_to_g_lim(self, z): """ Returns :math:`G` corresponding to :math:`\\alpha = \\infty` for particles `z` Args: z (ndarray): latent variables ``[..., d, k, 2]`` Returns: graph adjacency matrices of shape ``[..., d, d]`` """ u, v = z[..., 0], z[..., 1] scores = jnp.einsum('...ik,...jk->...ij', u, v) g_samples = (scores > 0).astype(jnp.int32) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled return zero_diagonal(g_samples)
[docs] def sample_g(self, p, subk, n_samples): """ Sample Bernoulli matrix according to matrix of probabilities Args: p (ndarray): matrix of probabilities ``[d, d]`` n_samples (int): number of samples subk (ndarray): rng key Returns: an array of matrices sampled according to ``p`` of shape ``[n_samples, d, d]`` """ n_vars = p.shape[-1] g_samples = random.bernoulli( subk, p=p, shape=(n_samples, n_vars, n_vars)).astype(jnp.int32) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled return zero_diagonal(g_samples)
[docs] def particle_to_soft_graph(self, z, eps, t): """ Gumbel-softmax / concrete distribution using Logistic(0,1) samples ``eps`` Args: z (ndarray): a single latent tensor :math:`Z` of shape ``[d, k, 2]``` eps (ndarray): random i.i.d. Logistic(0,1) noise of shape ``[d, d]`` t (int): step Returns: Gumbel-softmax sample of adjacency matrix [d, d] """ scores = jnp.einsum('...ik,...jk->...ij', z[..., 0], z[..., 1]) # soft reparameterization using gumbel-softmax/concrete distribution # eps ~ Logistic(0,1) soft_graph = sigmoid(self.tau * (eps + self.alpha(t) * scores)) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled return zero_diagonal(soft_graph)
[docs] def particle_to_hard_graph(self, z, eps, t): """ Bernoulli sample of :math:`G` using probabilities implied by latent ``z`` Args: z (ndarray): a single latent tensor :math:`Z` of shape ``[d, k, 2]`` eps (ndarray): random i.i.d. Logistic(0,1) noise of shape ``[d, d]`` t (int): step Returns: Gumbel-max (hard) sample of adjacency matrix ``[d, d]`` """ scores = jnp.einsum('...ik,...jk->...ij', z[..., 0], z[..., 1]) # simply take hard limit of sigmoid in gumbel-softmax/concrete distribution hard_graph = ((eps + self.alpha(t) * scores) > 0.0).astype(jnp.float32) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled return zero_diagonal(hard_graph)
""" Generative graph model p(G | Z) """
[docs] def edge_probs(self, z, t): """ Edge probabilities encoded by latent representation Args: z (ndarray): latent tensors :math:`Z` ``[..., d, k, 2]`` t (int): step Returns: edge probabilities of shape ``[..., d, d]`` """ u, v = z[..., 0], z[..., 1] scores = jnp.einsum('...ik,...jk->...ij', u, v) probs = sigmoid(self.alpha(t) * scores) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled return zero_diagonal(probs)
[docs] def edge_log_probs(self, z, t): """ Edge log probabilities encoded by latent representation Args: z (ndarray): latent tensors :math:`Z` ``[..., d, k, 2]`` t (int): step Returns: tuple of tensors ``[..., d, d], [..., d, d]`` corresponding to ``log(p)`` and ``log(1-p)`` """ u, v = z[..., 0], z[..., 1] scores = jnp.einsum('...ik,...jk->...ij', u, v) log_probs, log_probs_neg = log_sigmoid(self.alpha(t) * scores), log_sigmoid(self.alpha(t) * -scores) # mask diagonal since it is explicitly not modeled # NOTE: this is not technically log(p), but the way `edge_log_probs_` is used, this is correct return zero_diagonal(log_probs), zero_diagonal(log_probs_neg)
[docs] def latent_log_prob(self, single_g, single_z, t): """ Log likelihood of generative graph model Args: single_g (ndarray): single graph adjacency matrix ``[d, d]`` single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` t (int): step Returns: log likelihood :math:`log p(G | Z)` of shape ``[1,]`` """ # [d, d], [d, d] log_p, log_1_p = self.edge_log_probs(single_z, t) # [d, d] log_prob_g_ij = single_g * log_p + (1 - single_g) * log_1_p # [1,] # diagonal is masked inside `edge_log_probs` log_prob_g = jnp.sum(log_prob_g_ij) return log_prob_g
[docs] def eltwise_grad_latent_log_prob(self, gs, single_z, t): """ Gradient of log likelihood of generative graph model w.r.t. :math:`Z` i.e. :math:`\\nabla_Z \\log p(G | Z)` Batched over samples of :math:`G` given a single :math:`Z`. Args: gs (ndarray): batch of graph matrices ``[n_graphs, d, d]`` single_z (ndarray): latent variable ``[d, k, 2]`` t (int): step Returns: batch of gradients of shape ``[n_graphs, d, k, 2]`` """ dz_latent_log_prob = grad(self.latent_log_prob, 1) return vmap(dz_latent_log_prob, (0, None, None), 0)(gs, single_z, t)
""" Estimators for scores of log p(theta, D | Z) """
[docs] def eltwise_log_joint_prob(self, gs, single_theta, rng): """ Joint likelihood :math:`\\log p(\\Theta, D | G)` batched over samples of :math:`G` Args: gs (ndarray): batch of graphs ``[n_graphs, d, d]`` single_theta (Any): single parameter PyTree rng (ndarray): for mini-batching ``x`` potentially Returns: batch of logprobs of shape ``[n_graphs, ]`` """ return vmap(self.log_joint_prob, (0, None, None, None, None), 0)(gs, single_theta, self.x, self.interv_mask, rng)
[docs] def log_joint_prob_soft(self, single_z, single_theta, eps, t, subk): """ This is the composition of :math:`\\log p(\\Theta, D | G) ` and :math:`G(Z, U)` (Gumbel-softmax graph sample given :math:`Z`) Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` single_theta (Any): single parameter PyTree eps (ndarray): i.i.d Logistic noise of shape ``[d, d]`` t (int): step subk (ndarray): rng key Returns: logprob of shape ``[1, ]`` """ soft_g_sample = self.particle_to_soft_graph(single_z, eps, t) return self.log_joint_prob(soft_g_sample, single_theta, self.x, self.interv_mask, subk)
# # Estimators for score d/dZ log p(theta, D | Z) # (i.e. w.r.t the latent embeddings Z for graph G) #
[docs] def eltwise_grad_z_likelihood(self, zs, thetas, baselines, t, subkeys): """ Computes batch of estimators for score :math:`\\nabla_Z \\log p(\\Theta, D | Z)` Selects corresponding estimator used for the term :math:`\\nabla_Z E_{p(G|Z)}[ p(\\Theta, D | G) ]` and executes it in batch. Args: zs (ndarray): batch of latent tensors :math:`Z` ``[n_particles, d, k, 2]`` thetas (Any): batch of parameters PyTree with ``n_particles`` as leading dim baselines (ndarray): array of score function baseline values of shape ``[n_particles, ]`` Returns: tuple batch of (gradient estimates, baselines) of shapes ``[n_particles, d, k, 2], [n_particles, ]`` """ # select the chosen gradient estimator if self.grad_estimator_z == 'score': grad_z_likelihood = self.grad_z_likelihood_score_function elif self.grad_estimator_z == 'reparam': grad_z_likelihood = self.grad_z_likelihood_gumbel else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown gradient estimator `{self.grad_estimator_z}`') # vmap return vmap(grad_z_likelihood, (0, 0, 0, None, 0), (0, 0))(zs, thetas, baselines, t, subkeys)
[docs] def grad_z_likelihood_score_function(self, single_z, single_theta, single_sf_baseline, t, subk): """ Score function estimator (aka REINFORCE) for the score :math:`\\nabla_Z \\log p(\\Theta, D | Z)` Uses the same :math:`G \\sim p(G | Z)` samples for expectations in numerator and denominator. This does not use :math:`\\nabla_G \\log p(\\Theta, D | G)` and is hence applicable when the gradient w.r.t. the adjacency matrix is not defined (as e.g. for the BGe score). Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` single_theta (Any): single parameter PyTree single_sf_baseline (ndarray): ``[1, ]`` t (int): step subk (ndarray): rng key Returns: tuple of gradient, baseline ``[d, k, 2], [1, ]`` """ # [d, d] p = self.edge_probs(single_z, t) n_vars, n_dim = single_z.shape[0:2] # [n_grad_mc_samples, d, d] subk, subk_ = random.split(subk) g_samples = self.sample_g(p, subk_, self.n_grad_mc_samples) # same MC samples for numerator and denominator n_mc_numerator = self.n_grad_mc_samples n_mc_denominator = self.n_grad_mc_samples # [n_grad_mc_samples, ] subk, subk_ = random.split(subk) logprobs_numerator = self.eltwise_log_joint_prob(g_samples, single_theta, subk_) logprobs_denominator = logprobs_numerator # variance_reduction logprobs_numerator_adjusted = lax.cond( self.score_function_baseline <= 0.0, lambda _: logprobs_numerator, lambda _: logprobs_numerator - single_sf_baseline, operand=None) # [d * k * 2, n_grad_mc_samples] grad_z = self.eltwise_grad_latent_log_prob(g_samples, single_z, t) \ .reshape(self.n_grad_mc_samples, n_vars * n_dim * 2) \ .transpose((1, 0)) # stable computation of exp/log/divide # [d * k * 2, ] [d * k * 2, ] log_numerator, sign = logsumexp(a=logprobs_numerator_adjusted, b=grad_z, axis=1, return_sign=True) # [] log_denominator = logsumexp(logprobs_denominator, axis=0) # [d * k * 2, ] stable_sf_grad = sign * jnp.exp(log_numerator - jnp.log(n_mc_numerator) - log_denominator + jnp.log(n_mc_denominator)) # [d, k, 2] stable_sf_grad_shaped = stable_sf_grad.reshape(n_vars, n_dim, 2) # update baseline single_sf_baseline = (self.score_function_baseline * logprobs_numerator.mean(0) + (1 - self.score_function_baseline) * single_sf_baseline) return stable_sf_grad_shaped, single_sf_baseline
[docs] def grad_z_likelihood_gumbel(self, single_z, single_theta, single_sf_baseline, t, subk): """ Reparameterization estimator for the score :math:`\\nabla_Z \\log p(\\Theta, D | Z)` sing the Gumbel-softmax / concrete distribution reparameterization trick. Uses the same :math:`G \\sim p(G | Z)` samples for expectations in numerator and denominator. This **does** require a well-defined gradient :math:`\\nabla_G \\log p(\\Theta, D | G)` and is hence not applicable when the gradient w.r.t. the adjacency matrix is not defined for Gumbel-relaxations of the discrete adjacency matrix. Any (marginal) likelihood expressible as a function of ``g[:, j]`` and ``theta`` , e.g. using the vector of (possibly soft) parent indicators as a mask, satisfies this. Examples are: ``dibs.models.LinearGaussian`` and ``dibs.models.DenseNonlinearGaussian`` See also e.g. Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` single_theta (Any): single parameter PyTree single_sf_baseline (ndarray): ``[1, ]`` t (int): step subk (ndarray): rng key Returns: tuple of gradient, baseline ``[d, k, 2], [1, ]`` """ n_vars = single_z.shape[0] # same MC samples for numerator and denominator n_mc_numerator = self.n_grad_mc_samples n_mc_denominator = self.n_grad_mc_samples # sample Logistic(0,1) as randomness in reparameterization subk, subk_ = random.split(subk) eps = random.logistic(subk_, shape=(self.n_grad_mc_samples, n_vars, n_vars)) # [n_grad_mc_samples, ] # since we don't backprop per se, it leaves us with the option of having # `soft` and `hard` versions for evaluating the non-grad p(.)) subk, subk_ = random.split(subk) # [d, k, 2], [d, d], [n_grad_mc_samples, d, d], [1,], [1,] -> [n_grad_mc_samples] logprobs_numerator = vmap(self.log_joint_prob_soft, (None, None, 0, None, None), 0)(single_z, single_theta, eps, t, subk_) logprobs_denominator = logprobs_numerator # [n_grad_mc_samples, d, k, 2] # d/dx log p(theta, D | G(x, eps)) for a batch of `eps` samples # use the same minibatch of data as for other log prob evaluation (if using minibatching) # [d, k, 2], [d, d], [n_grad_mc_samples, d, d], [1,], [1,] -> [n_grad_mc_samples, d, k, 2] grad_z = vmap(grad(self.log_joint_prob_soft, 0), (None, None, 0, None, None), 0)(single_z, single_theta, eps, t, subk_) # stable computation of exp/log/divide # [d, k, 2], [d, k, 2] log_numerator, sign = logsumexp(a=logprobs_numerator[:, None, None, None], b=grad_z, axis=0, return_sign=True) # [] log_denominator = logsumexp(logprobs_denominator, axis=0) # [d, k, 2] stable_grad = sign * jnp.exp(log_numerator - jnp.log(n_mc_numerator) - log_denominator + jnp.log(n_mc_denominator)) return stable_grad, single_sf_baseline
# # Estimators for score d/dtheta log p(theta, D | Z) # (i.e. w.r.t the conditional distribution parameters) #
[docs] def eltwise_grad_theta_likelihood(self, zs, thetas, t, subkeys): """ Computes batch of estimators for the score :math:`\\nabla_{\\Theta} \\log p(\\Theta, D | Z)`, i.e. w.r.t the conditional distribution parameters. Uses the same :math:`G \\sim p(G | Z)` samples for expectations in numerator and denominator. This does not use :math:`\\nabla_G \\log p(\\Theta, D | G)` and is hence applicable when the gradient w.r.t. the adjacency matrix is not defined (as e.g. for the BGe score). Analogous to ``eltwise_grad_z_likelihood`` but gradient w.r.t :math:`\\Theta` instead of :math:`Z` Args: zs (ndarray): batch of latent tensors Z of shape ``[n_particles, d, k, 2]`` thetas (Any): batch of parameter PyTree with ``n_mc_samples`` as leading dim Returns: batch of gradients in form of ``thetas`` PyTree with ``n_particles`` as leading dim """ return vmap(self.grad_theta_likelihood, (0, 0, None, 0), 0)(zs, thetas, t, subkeys)
[docs] def grad_theta_likelihood(self, single_z, single_theta, t, subk): """ Computes Monte Carlo estimator for the score :math:`\\nabla_{\\Theta} \\log p(\\Theta, D | Z)` Uses hard samples of :math:`G`, but a soft reparameterization like for :math:`\\nabla_Z` is also possible. Uses the same :math:`G \\sim p(G | Z)` samples for expectations in numerator and denominator. Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` single_theta (Any): single parameter PyTree t (int): step subk (ndarray): rng key Returns: parameter gradient PyTree """ # [d, d] p = self.edge_probs(single_z, t) # [n_grad_mc_samples, d, d] g_samples = self.sample_g(p, subk, self.n_grad_mc_samples) # same MC samples for numerator and denominator n_mc_numerator = self.n_grad_mc_samples n_mc_denominator = self.n_grad_mc_samples # [n_mc_numerator, ] subk, subk_ = random.split(subk) logprobs_numerator = self.eltwise_log_joint_prob(g_samples, single_theta, subk_) logprobs_denominator = logprobs_numerator # PyTree shape of `single_theta` with additional leading dimension [n_mc_numerator, ...] # d/dtheta log p(theta, D | G) for a batch of G samples # use the same minibatch of data as for other log prob evaluation (if using minibatching) grad_theta_log_joint_prob = grad(self.log_joint_prob, 1) grad_theta = vmap(grad_theta_log_joint_prob, (0, None, None, None, None), 0)(g_samples, single_theta, self.x, self.interv_mask, subk_) # stable computation of exp/log/divide and PyTree compatible # sums over MC graph samples dimension to get MC gradient estimate of theta # original PyTree shape of `single_theta` log_numerator = tree_map( lambda leaf_theta: logsumexp(a=expand_by(logprobs_numerator, leaf_theta.ndim - 1), b=leaf_theta, axis=0, return_sign=True)[0], grad_theta) # original PyTree shape of `single_theta` sign = tree_map( lambda leaf_theta: logsumexp(a=expand_by(logprobs_numerator, leaf_theta.ndim - 1), b=leaf_theta, axis=0, return_sign=True)[1], grad_theta) # [] log_denominator = logsumexp(logprobs_denominator, axis=0) # original PyTree shape of `single_theta` stable_grad = tree_map( lambda sign_leaf_theta, log_leaf_theta: (sign_leaf_theta * jnp.exp(log_leaf_theta - jnp.log(n_mc_numerator) - log_denominator + jnp.log(n_mc_denominator))), sign, log_numerator) return stable_grad
""" Estimators for score d/dZ log p(Z) """
[docs] def constraint_gumbel(self, single_z, single_eps, t): """ Evaluates continuous acyclicity constraint using Gumbel-softmax instead of Bernoulli samples Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` single_eps (ndarray): i.i.d. Logistic noise of shape ``[d, d``] for Gumbel-softmax t (int): step Returns: constraint value of shape ``[1,]`` """ n_vars = single_z.shape[0] G = self.particle_to_soft_graph(single_z, single_eps, t) h = acyclic_constr_nograd(G, n_vars) return h
[docs] def grad_constraint_gumbel(self, single_z, key, t): """ Reparameterization estimator for the gradient :math:`\\nabla_Z E_{p(G|Z)} [ h(G) ]` where :math:`h` is the acyclicity constraint penalty function. Since :math:`h` is differentiable w.r.t. :math:`G`, always uses the Gumbel-softmax / concrete distribution reparameterization trick. Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` key (ndarray): rng t (int): step Returns: gradient of shape ``[d, k, 2]`` """ n_vars = single_z.shape[0] # [n_mc_samples, d, d] eps = random.logistic(key, shape=(self.n_acyclicity_mc_samples, n_vars, n_vars)) # [n_mc_samples, d, k, 2] mc_gradient_samples = vmap(grad(self.constraint_gumbel, 0), (None, 0, None), 0)(single_z, eps, t) # [d, k, 2] return mc_gradient_samples.mean(0)
[docs] def log_graph_prior_particle(self, single_z, t): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` component of :math:`\\log p(Z)`, i.e. not the contraint or Gaussian prior term, but the DAG belief. The log prior :math:`\\log p(G)` is evaluated with edge probabilities :math:`G_{\\alpha}(Z)` given :math:`Z`. Args: single_z (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[d, k, 2]`` t (int): step Returns: log prior graph probability`\\log p(G_{\\alpha}(Z))` of shape ``[1,]`` """ # [d, d] # masking is done inside `edge_probs` single_soft_g = self.edge_probs(single_z, t) # [1, ] return self.log_graph_prior(soft_g=single_soft_g)
[docs] def eltwise_grad_latent_prior(self, zs, subkeys, t): """ Computes batch of estimators for the score :math:`\\nabla_Z \\log p(Z)` with :math:`\\log p(Z) = - \\beta(t) E_{p(G|Z)} [h(G)] + \\log \\mathcal{N}(Z) + \\log f(Z)` where :math:`h` is the acyclicity constraint and `f(Z)` is additional DAG prior factor computed inside ``dibs.inference.DiBS.log_graph_prior_particle``. Args: zs (ndarray): single latent tensor ``[n_particles, d, k, 2]`` subkeys (ndarray): batch of rng keys ``[n_particles, ...]`` Returns: batch of gradients of shape ``[n_particles, d, k, 2]`` """ # log f(Z) term # [d, k, 2], [1,] -> [d, k, 2] grad_log_graph_prior_particle = grad(self.log_graph_prior_particle, 0) # [n_particles, d, k, 2], [1,] -> [n_particles, d, k, 2] grad_prior_z = vmap(grad_log_graph_prior_particle, (0, None), 0)(zs, t) # constraint term # [n_particles, d, k, 2], [n_particles,], [1,] -> [n_particles, d, k, 2] eltwise_grad_constraint = vmap(self.grad_constraint_gumbel, (0, 0, None), 0)(zs, subkeys, t) return - self.beta(t) * eltwise_grad_constraint \ - zs / (self.latent_prior_std ** 2.0) \ + grad_prior_z
[docs] def visualize_callback(self, ipython=True, save_path=None): """Returns callback function for visualization of particles during inference updates Args: ipython (bool): set to ``True`` when running in a jupyter notebook save_path (str): path to save plotted images to Returns: callback """ from dibs.utils.visualize import visualize from dibs.graph_utils import elwise_acyclic_constr_nograd as constraint if ipython: from IPython import display def callback(**kwargs): zs = kwargs["zs"] gs = kwargs["dibs"].particle_to_g_lim(zs) probs = kwargs["dibs"].edge_probs(zs, kwargs["t"]) if ipython: display.clear_output(wait=True) visualize(probs, save_path=save_path, t=kwargs["t"], show=True) print( f'iteration {kwargs["t"]:6d}' f' | alpha {self.alpha(kwargs["t"]):6.1f}' f' | beta {self.beta(kwargs["t"]):6.1f}' f' | #cyclic {(constraint(gs, self.n_vars) > 0).sum().item():3d}' ) return return callback