Source code for dibs.models.graph

import igraph as ig
import random as pyrandom
import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import random

from dibs.graph_utils import mat_to_graph, graph_to_mat, mat_is_dag
from dibs.utils.func import zero_diagonal

[docs]class ErdosReniDAGDistribution: """ Randomly oriented Erdos-Reni random graph model with i.i.d. edge probability. The pmf is defined as :math:`p(G) \\propto p^e (1-p)^{\\binom{d}{2} - e}` where :math:`e` denotes the total number of edges in :math:`G` and :math:`p` is chosen to satisfy the requirement of sampling ``n_edges_per_node`` edges per node in expectation. Args: n_vars (int): number of variables in DAG n_edges_per_node (int): number of edges sampled per variable in expectation """ def __init__(self, n_vars, n_edges_per_node=2): self.n_vars = n_vars self.n_edges = n_edges_per_node * n_vars self.p = self.n_edges / ((self.n_vars * (self.n_vars - 1)) / 2)
[docs] def sample_G(self, key, return_mat=False): """Samples DAG Args: key (ndarray): rng return_mat (bool): if ``True``, returns adjacency matrix of shape ``[n_vars, n_vars]`` Returns: ``iGraph.graph`` / ``jnp.array``: DAG """ key, subk = random.split(key) mat = random.bernoulli(subk, p=self.p, shape=(self.n_vars, self.n_vars)).astype(jnp.int32) # make DAG by zeroing above diagonal; k=-1 indicates that diagonal is zero too dag = jnp.tril(mat, k=-1) # randomly permute key, subk = random.split(key) P = random.permutation(subk, jnp.eye(self.n_vars, dtype=jnp.int32)) dag_perm = P.T @ dag @ P if return_mat: return dag_perm else: g = mat_to_graph(dag_perm) return g
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob_single(self, *, g, j): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G_j)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph j (int): node index: Returns: unnormalized log probability of node family of :math:`j` """ parent_edges = g.incident(j, mode='in') n_parents = len(parent_edges) return n_parents * jnp.log(self.p) + (self.n_vars - n_parents - 1) * jnp.log(1 - self.p)
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob(self, *, g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph Returns: unnormalized log probability of :math:`G` """ N = self.n_vars * (self.n_vars - 1) / 2.0 E = len( return E * jnp.log(self.p) + (N - E) * jnp.log(1 - self.p)
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob_soft(self, *, soft_g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant where :math:`G` is the matrix of edge probabilities Args: soft_g (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix, where entries may be probabilities and not necessarily 0 or 1 Returns: unnormalized log probability corresponding to edge probabilities in :math:`G` """ N = self.n_vars * (self.n_vars - 1) / 2.0 E = soft_g.sum() return E * jnp.log(self.p) + (N - E) * jnp.log(1 - self.p)
[docs]class ScaleFreeDAGDistribution: """ Randomly-oriented scale-free random graph with power-law degree distribution. The pmf is defined as :math:`p(G) \\propto \\prod_j (1 + \\text{deg}(j))^{-3}` where :math:`\\text{deg}(j)` denotes the in-degree of node :math:`j` Args: n_vars (int): number of variables in DAG n_edges_per_node (int): number of edges sampled per variable """ def __init__(self, n_vars, verbose=False, n_edges_per_node=2): self.n_vars = n_vars self.n_edges_per_node = n_edges_per_node self.verbose = verbose
[docs] def sample_G(self, key, return_mat=False): """Samples DAG Args: key (ndarray): rng return_mat (bool): if ``True``, returns adjacency matrix of shape ``[n_vars, n_vars]`` Returns: ``iGraph.graph`` / ``jnp.array``: DAG """ pyrandom.seed(int(key.sum())) perm = random.permutation(key, self.n_vars).tolist() g = ig.Graph.Barabasi(n=self.n_vars, m=self.n_edges_per_node, directed=True).permute_vertices(perm) if return_mat: return graph_to_mat(g) else: return g
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob_single(self, *, g, j): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G_j)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph j (int): node index: Returns: unnormalized log probability of node family of :math:`j` """ parent_edges = g.incident(j, mode='in') n_parents = len(parent_edges) return -3 * jnp.log(1 + n_parents)
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob(self, *, g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph Returns: unnormalized log probability of :math:`G` """ return jnp.array([self.unnormalized_log_prob_single(g=g, j=j) for j in range(self.n_vars)]).sum()
[docs] def unnormalized_log_prob_soft(self, *, soft_g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant where :math:`G` is the matrix of edge probabilities Args: soft_g (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix, where entries may be probabilities and not necessarily 0 or 1 Returns: unnormalized log probability corresponding to edge probabilities in :math:`G` """ soft_indegree = soft_g.sum(0) return jnp.sum(-3 * jnp.log(1 + soft_indegree))
class UniformDAGDistributionRejection: """ Naive implementation of a uniform distribution over DAGs via rejection sampling. This is efficient up to roughly :math:`d = 5`. Properly sampling a uniformly-random DAG is possible but nontrivial and not implemented here. Args: n_vars (int): number of variables in DAG """ def __init__(self, n_vars): self.n_vars = n_vars def sample_G(self, key, return_mat=False): """Samples DAG Args: key (ndarray): rng return_mat (bool): if ``True``, returns adjacency matrix of shape ``[n_vars, n_vars]`` Returns: ``iGraph.graph`` / ``jnp.array``: DAG """ while True: key, subk = random.split(key) mat = random.bernoulli(subk, p=0.5, shape=(self.n_vars, self.n_vars)).astype(jnp.int32) mat = zero_diagonal(mat) if mat_is_dag(mat): if return_mat: return mat else: return mat_to_graph(mat) def unnormalized_log_prob_single(self, *, g, j): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G_j)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph j (int): node index: Returns: unnormalized log probability of node family of :math:`j` """ return jnp.array(0.0) def unnormalized_log_prob(self, *, g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant Args: g (iGraph.graph): graph Returns: unnormalized log probability of :math:`G` """ return jnp.array(0.0) def unnormalized_log_prob_soft(self, *, soft_g): """ Computes :math:`\\log p(G)` up the normalization constant where :math:`G` is the matrix of edge probabilities Args: soft_g (ndarray): graph adjacency matrix, where entries may be probabilities and not necessarily 0 or 1 Returns: unnormalized log probability corresponding to edge probabilities in :math:`G` """ return jnp.array(0.0)